2nd Annual Holiday Gathering

2nd Annual Holiday Gathering

On the evening of December 8th, thirty-six residents of Amberglen, representing almost a third of the homes in the neighborhood, came together at Chuck’s Produce for the 2nd Annual Amberglen Holiday Gathering. This year’s event was organized as a potluck, and an over-abundance of holiday fare was enjoyed by all.

Volunteers from Amberglen Good Works organized, sponsored, and hosted the event.

The gathering served as an opportunity for the AGW Steering Committee to thank 22 members of our community, who were recognized as Super Volunteers for their contributions to AGW projects throughout the year: Carolyn McDonald, Charleen Polacek, Cindi Kludt, Craig Williams, Dave Natiola, David Bryant, Eli Biondine, Emilee Natiola, Hailee Natiola, Ihi Biondine, Ingrid Fullard, Jane Cicala, Karen Schaefer, Karl Durovchic, Liam McGill, Mary Bryant, Mike Jones, Nick Rexing, Nina Davenport, Patti Durovchic, Song Natiola, and Sue Nelson.

The recipient of the annual AGW Volunteer of the Year award was Sue Nelson (a repeat winner from last year!). The steering committee is grateful for her contributions and leadership.

Thanks to all who attended this event and made it such a memorable evening: Brad and Kim; Carolyn; Chuck and Charleen; Cindi; Dave, Song, Emilee, and Hailee; Doris and Greg; Fulya; Ingrid; John and Don; Karen, Craig, and Jane; Liam; Mary and Dave; Mike and Vicki; Nina; Patti, Karl, and Katera; Ron and Deb; Sheila and Paul; Sue; Sue Ann; Todd and Barbie.

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