Nekhamis: Warning about railroad

Published at the request of Amberglen resident Mikhail Nekhamis:


Could you please post the letter below to your website for the Amberglen community to see.  Clark County again is attempting to worsen our quality of life and negatively affect the value of our properties.  They are attempting to resurrect a defunct rail road without any regard to your health, comfort, or the environment.  This is an important issue that requires community engagement.

Thank you,
Mikhail Nekhamis

Letter from Jan Kelly

Friends and Neighbors, 

Many of you could not attend our latest community meeting at the Cascade Presbyterian Church.  So I am sending you these notes.  As always I have updated them, and made some edits.  As you all know everything I type seems to need endless edits.

What PVJR and the Leboki Companies (Taylor Trucking, MML Enterprises, Green Works, Pioneer Industrial) are doing and planning to do will have a prolonged effect on our community.  I urge each of you to get engaged with our efforts to protect our home values and our quality of life.  While many of you think nothing can be done, I will tell you the a lot has been done, and a lot more will be done.  We need you all to become active and learn about everyone who is running for office.  Your vote can make a difference on the county council.

Two seats are up for reelection this cycle.  We only need one additional seat to make a real difference in county council and to stop the planned destruction of our way of life.  Please get engaged, and learn who is running and what the candidates position are regarding the FRDU / Freight Rail Dependent Use bill  and the county council.  The county can and should stop this destruction of our eco-system.  Yes, they will end up in court with PVJR.  So what?  It is in the future, and bad news never gets better with age.

As always, 

Jan Kelly
9309 NE 83rd Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98662

cell # 360-798-1879

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